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Submissive Coffee Club

Tumblr can be an erotic and exciting place to look for photos, videos and articles. It can also give an unpleasant view of porn, submission and opinion, you do have to wade through pages of poseurs (male and female) on occasion to find something worth looking at and real. 

A tumblr site I really enjoy visiting is the submissive coffee club (it also has a related dominant site). It is great for conversation and views on submission and it also offers up blogging prompts which can be useful if you are short of a topic idea. 
They are currently running a feature where members of the club volunteer to be asked questions about their submission etc. by their peers and next week it will be my turn. I have one question so far, and am hoping for many more. But to make it more interesting, if anyone here has a question they would like to ask me then I will answer that too. I then plan to post simultaneously here and on my tumblr blog.
Master and I are off on holiday this coming weekend and so I will have the added advantage of blogging from the beautiful island of Sicily and needing to complete this task will prevent me from once again resorting to travel blogging. Though of course, there is nothing wrong with a travel blog.
Personally I can’t wait to get away. We have both been suffering from a virus over the past couple of weeks and have been massively under par. There has been precious little sex in our lives, let alone kink. Hopefully this trip will help us get over this horrible bug and also allow us to recuperate. I am looking forward to the sun and the sea air. There will be loads to see and do plus there will be the food, wine and hopefully a chance to swim and maybe relax in the shade with a good book. 
Mean time, do leave any questions in the comments box. 
Back soon everyone!

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