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TMI Tuesday – Weekdays

My first TMI Tuesday in ages, but after the effort of the blogging A-Z during April, a meme or two feels the way to go:


1. Do you wish every day was like Sunday?
I guess in a way that would be rather nice, but we can’t always have what we wish for. Plus, I probably would never get anything done and neither would Master. It is great to lie in bed late, maybe have some sex and then chill out for the rest of the day. But we really couldn’t do that everyday!
2. Why don’t you like Mondays?
I struggle to get going on Monday. Getting up is often a struggle and then once up getting my body moving. I walk up the stairs to my 4th floor office every morning, and Monday is always the hardest.
3. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday love–which is best day for sex?
Any day is good for me. Most frequently we have sex on Saturday or Sunday or perhaps both. This week though we had sex on Monday, as it was a bank holiday and we were together. 
4. Do you look forward to hump day aka Wednesday?
Wednesday is past my hump day as I only work Monday to Thursday. I like Wednesday as I know that by the time I go home, I only have one more working day left. Having said that, I sometimes worry during Wednesday that I haven’t worked hard enough on Monday and Tuesday to achieve all I need to. By Wednesday evening though, I am past that!
5. Friday night just got paid…do you get paid on Fridays?
Only if 25th of the month is a Friday, as that’s when I get paid!
6. What were you doing 10:15 Saturday night?
We were at my local pub having a drink. Beer for Master and a glass of wine for me. We had eaten dinner at my place and then walked to the pub. 
Bonus: Today in Washington, DC metro area it’s another Rainy day and it is Monday. What’s your weather?
Monday (I am writing this on Monday night) has been mild and cloudy for most of the day. We went to the cinema and found it was raining when we came out at 6pm. 
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!

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