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Z is for……..

Zipper and Zaftig. What great scrabble words they are!

So against all odds I have reached the end of the blogging A-Z challenge and I have really enjoyed it, even if at times it has been difficult to think of words when sitting down to write. Planning is definitely the answer, since often I have thought of some amazing words, along with potentially great blog posts after the event. Maybe that bodes well for next year.

So to today’s words.

The zipper is this:

It is constructed from pegs and string and looks like it is part of a washing line. But it is an evil tool, used by sadist Dominants to inflict pain on the unsuspecting submissive. Being pegged is strangely pleasant, causing just the right amount of endorphin release. However, when pulled off all in one go the pain is immense. Strangely this pain is replaced almost immediately with the release of more endorphins which trick the submissive into imagining that the experience has been pleasant! My advice is to avoid this kind of torture, unless of course you are a mascochist and love the combination of pain and pleasure!

Finally some fun, what do you think Zaftig means?

Well, apparently it refers to a female body that is healthy, plump and vigorous.

Now I have lost weight, perhaps that is just what you see here – A healthy, plump and vigorous body. One that belongs to Master.

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