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H is for……

Harness and Hair.

I have to admit that thinking of words beginning with H which I wanted to write about was a challenge. I knew I wanted to talk about hair (more of that further down), but wasn’t sure about the other word. Then when I was reading Marie Rebelle’s blog, I saw that she had included harness, and I knew I wanted to do so too.
Master loves to see me in a harness and I love the feel of it. The way it frames my tits and makes me feel like a sexual being. Clothed but unclothed. Master bought me a clear plastic harness for my birthday the first year we were together. I remember wearing it under my clothes when I visited my parents soon after. I also have a leather one which feels even better; not surprisingly the plastic one can make you sweat a little, especially if you are like me, menopausal.
Last night we were talking about some of the things I could do to be reminded more of my place as His slave and to be able to serve Him better. One of the things we discussed was that I might be naked or wearing a harness more when we are home alone and are not planning to go out. So seeing H for harness was timely, as is writing about it. Access to the body He owns is an important feature of our relationship, for us both and wearing the harness does just that. In this photo I am wearing a spanking skirt too and this is the very outfit (if you could call it that), which I would like to wear when we go to a play party, hopefully soon.
This photo was taken a while ago, I know because in it my hair is quite long. Since last autumn time, I have taken the plunge and had my hair cut short. Master prefers short hair on His slave, indeed if she came home with it shaved he would be over joyed.
But while I find photos of women with shaved heads quite attractive, I am not sure that really is for me. what we are discussing though is a style where I have the area around my ears shaved, or certainly very short and the rest a little longer. Perhaps a little like this lady who I photographed last year during Samana Santa in Spain (hence the costumes of the people around her).
My only concern is that most of the women I see with these kinds of hairstyles are much younger than me. However, this is one area that I would like to get closer to what Master wants from me. I love to please Him and while He isn’t insisting that I get my hair cut shorter, I know that He would love it if I did. I have a hair appointment booked for a couple of weeks time and plan to discuss the options with my stylist then. Time to take the plunge I think.

4 thoughts on “H is for……”

  1. Thanks for posting the pic, not sure I had ever seen one on a person. I am thinking I really want one. I have short hair, and know that i could not go bald….so it is a good thing that Master always tells me…do whatever you want, just leave enough for me to be able to grab a handful. hugs abby

  2. Harnesses feel wonderful to wear, I highly recommend. Compromise is the name of the game with the hair thing. We will reach a place we are both happy with and I won't be bald! xx

  3. loving your pic of the harness….would like to try this out oneself…Master loves long hair thank goodness…smiles…but I do love the hairstyle in the photo….

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