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Kink of the week – Kissing

On the introductory page for the current Kink of the Week, Molly invites us to google quotes relating to kissing. I did and the Einstein quote above is my favourite.

You see Master takes kissing very seriously, he loves to kiss me and I really love that he does, since I love to kiss him too.

There are a number of different types of kiss that take place within our relationship, from little gentle pecks on the lips when something has amused us or we just feel the need to do so, through to the passionate kisses that take place during sex. In between there is the slow and sensual exploratory kiss as we wake or late at night when we sit together on the sofa or lie in bed. A teasing of the tongues, a meeting of lips as we touch each other’s bodies. He loves it when I kiss ‘like a whore’, apparently not all women put their tongues into the mouths of their partners as they kiss, only certain types of women. But when your lover is busy giving you nipple pain, or exploring your clitoris then I fail to see how a woman can resist the desire to passionately kiss that man. For me passion includes exploring all of him, including his mouth.

I usually kiss with my eyes closed. Not because I don’t want to look, but because it helps me to shut out everything outside of him and the things he is doing to me. Sometimes though I sneak a peek to see if he has his eyes open or closed. Sometimes they are closed and sometimes not. Perhaps he is doing the same.

What is for sure, is that the kind of kissing that we like to engage in could not be done while driving, well not safely. What is more he is one fantastic kisser and only 10 days till I get to kiss him again!

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