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This year in review – Part 1

As the year draws to a close it feels right to look back over this blog and to think about the things that have happened and the ways in which my relationship with Master has developed. Also, since we are still in Spain and this trip is not the hectic round of sightseeing that other holidays have been about, I also have some time on  my hands. I make no excuse for the reflective or long nature of this post.

In January, I wrote about happiness – I would say this has been the theme of my year. I really am happier now than I have ever been, but not just that, people remark that I look happy. I took a selfie on Christmas day which I posted on Facebook. People, including Master commented that I look really happy and I am.

The wonderful Molly’s website is not only a great place to visit to read about her life with Domsigns, but she also hosts various memes and projects, most recently Kink of the week, which I have begun to contribute to. In February I decided to take part in February Photofest, a project to post a kink related photo everyday for the month. It was challenging, but fun and this post is from that month. I include it also because those of us on blogger received emails to tell us that our kind of blogs  – with sexual content  – would no longer be allowed. There was something of an out cry and within weeks Google backed down. I did buy my own domain and transferred my content across, but haven’t actually got around to changing things. Still it is there, ready for next time.

Becoming Master’s slave has brought me a level of contentment that I would never have believed possible. In March we registered ‘this girl’ on the slave registry website. It seemed like a natural progression given our journey that far. Slavery has given me a way to draw a line under the life I had before, where I acted in a slave like way, but without the support and guidance of a Master. This year really has been the beginning of something wonderful.

I would never have imagined when I began my World of Joolz blog in April 2012 that I would have ended up where I am now. It took a great amount of nerve to do what I did in those first few weeks and writing about it has helped me to be able to recognise the journey I have travelled since then. I know Master still reads back to the early days of my blog and also the beginning of our own relationship. He finds it interesting to look back and to discuss with me my early hopes and assumptions. This post from April celebrated the third anniversary of my blog.

Also in April, we went on our first proper holiday together. There had been a number of weekends away in France, Amsterdam and in London but this was different. It was a chance to spend 2 whole weeks together and to test out whether this relationship was likely to stand the test of a prolonged time together. Also a chance to embrace the Master / slave relationship.

In May we celebrated our first year as Master and slave. That year had been both enjoyable and difficult. When He took me as His slave, he also had another. At that time, I was secondary and expected the whole thing to end by the beginning of this year. Together though we managed the emotional turmoil of the end of that relationship and the deepening of this. For me, I have learnt what it is to be Master’s slave and how to manage the time together and apart.

Mostly I try to write this blog for myself, but when I am short of ideas, I often turn to one of Molly’s memes or else to Kayla Lord’s Masturbation Monday. In May I made my first post there, and that has become my most read post to date. I have to admit it is great to share an experience I have enjoyed with Master with a wider audience. It also leads to exploring the blogs of other contributors.

There hasn’t been as much play in our lives this year as we would have liked. This has been mainly due to Master having a shoulder problem for much of that time which caused a great deal of arm pain and restricted movement. Thankfully that has now resolved and hopefully there is lots of fun and games to come. This post from June though is about play times and about Master’s desire to continue the education and experiences of His slave.  Also in June I exchanged the chain I had worn on my wrist for just over 6 months for a cuff. The collar would come next.

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