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30 Days of Kink – Day 4: Any early experiences that, in retrospect, hint at your kinks?

After 3 days of travelling around the northern part of Spain and into the pyrenees we have now spent two days chilling out in my apartment in France. I say chilling, but though it has been relaxing to do very little, it has also been a necessity given the hot weather here and across much of Europe. The main problem is not so much heat, but humidity which is not fun when you have the added fun of being menopausal as I am. We have found that you barely need to move to break out into a massive sweat. Other than shopping and going out for dinner and drinks, we have barely left the apartment and that has meant that there has been plenty of time for some intimate moments, some amazing orgasms and this morning so very very good and quite kinky sex. This period of relaxation won’t last for much longer, but I intend to make the most of it while I can.

So to day 4 of 30 days of kink. So here’s the thing; I am not sure there was any particular signs from my early life that suggested that I would be kinky. I was amazingly unadventurous when it came to my own body until I was at least into my 30s. I had very few boyfriends, and married the first person I dated for any length of time. I guess it would be true to say I was a little repressed, and didn’t know what I didn’t know. Once that sexual side in me emerged, the kink followed and here I am. Perhaps for me, looking back is not what it should be about, instead I intend to look forwards. I am kinky, and I have a kinky Master who I love to be with and right now I am having the best time.

The view from our hotel room in the Pyrenees on Tuesday morning.

2 thoughts on “30 Days of Kink – Day 4: Any early experiences that, in retrospect, hint at your kinks?”

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