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The plug

Master has bought this girl two NJOY butt plugs – smallish and largish. Of all of the rules that appear in this girl’s contract, wearing the plug as required might be the thing she complies with the least. This is not because she wishes to be disrespectful or disobedient, but because if the context within which this rule was introduced and the sheer speed with which this girl’s life progresses.

When the contract was agreed, this girl was part of a three way polyamourous relationship in which she was a minor player. The primary slave was experiencing problems in her ability to trust Master in His relationship with this girl and in coping with their own long distance relationship. At times this girl struggled with the ending of her own marriage, the imminent death of her father and then being part of a polyamourous relationship.

Fast forward a year or so and the situation is different.

This girl’s marriage is over, all but the divorce. This girl’s dad has passed away and while there are ongoing problems in supporting her mum and the wider family that aspect of life is, in the main, less stressful. The other woman is no long part of Master’s life.

So, that thing – the butt plug – which used to help this girl cope with so many difficult situations – is not required for that reason.

Of course it is useful in keeping this girl’s body ready for Master’s needs. But somehow, that has also become less of an issue.

Last night though, this girl had something of a melt down. Work and mum stress got on top of her. She struggled to work out how she could fit Master’s needs into that scenario and acted out.

Yes, there was brattiness. Yes she wined and moaned.

Master’s response, other than talking her round over Skype was to suggest Instruct her to insert one of her plugs.

This girl has to report that the impact was pretty much instantaneous. The stressy feelings began to recede and she began to see things more clearly.

A side effect however was, that at 3am when this girl got up to go to the toilet, she needed to provide Master with an orgasm – He wasn’t there, but the rule is, that so long as she tells Him afterwards she is allowed to cum in such a situation.

Damn it, He is right. That plug is beyond useful and needs to be worn much more.


5 thoughts on “The plug”

  1. I have a love/hate relationship with the plug lol, i am required to have one in twice a day for 15 minutes, sometimes i just dont want to, but yet its time for me to mediate, to reflect on my submission etc…and its calming.

    Until the bastard makes me pump it up…its inflatable!


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