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Night and day


As promised, over the next couple of days I will give some insights into our holiday in Spain.

Our first hotel, had a balcony, which as you can see overlooked the bay but was not particularly overlooked by people in the nearby rooms.


I say not particularly, because, actually it was possible to see and to be seen, but you would need to have been looking across rather than out to sea. I know, because shortly before the day time shot was taken, I did look across and there were some people looking out to sea.

Below the balcony you could see the bull ring thought not in use at the time I am pleased to say.
The location was wonderful, positioned as we were. To our right were remains of a castle, which we explored after breakfast before we moved on inland.

My only regret? That I didn’t actually stick to my diet after Christmas. Still there is nothing like some photos of your rolls of fat plus the post holiday scales to kick start you into action.

The Castle

7 thoughts on “Night and day”

  1. You look fine, healthy and happy what more can one ask for, to be content in sitting naked with a glass of wine….i have the wine, but clothed…think my kids would object to the being naked part lol


  2. Pingback: Living life and enjoying it - MPB

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