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I have the urge to write this week as I manage the stresses involved in preparing for time away from work, home and family. I can’t wait to be away from those things and into a world where Master and I are together and I can be His slave for 24 hours a day.

Right now there are lots of reasons why time following the rules already set down would help me get myself back into a good place again. That is without any thoughts of new rules or suggestions instructions about how to move on with certain aspects of my life which are in the offing. As Master has said on a number of occasions, you need to be careful about what you wish for.

Mum is still in hospital, though her discharge is imminent. She has done well and the idea that she will return home post hip replacement while I am away in a foreign land fills my brothers with fear. At the same time I feel relief. Since my dad died she has had me on some kind of string which, while it has improved our relationship has at times been unhealthy for me. They need to take more responsibility and boy will they get it. I am sorry to say that my mum is a trifle difficult and at times not even a nice person. If this sounds unpleasant I am afraid to admit it is. But she is my mum and I am prepared to put up with her caustic tongue and demands in the main. But having Master help establish boundaries is a great help, for all concerned!

Work is busy. This is the busiest time for it –  our financial year ends on 31st March. Plus we are heading into an election and for those of us working in the public sector is means a period of storm before a calm and then hell……. We are sadly subject to politics and while the day job goes on, policy stops and then starts with vengeance once the election is over. We can only hope for continuing calmness in the coming months, but I won’t hold my breath.

Hubby no longer lives here, nor does my son who happily is living in domestic bliss with his girlfriend. So the time to finally sort out the house nears. Plus we are getting close to 2 years of separation so a divorce looms. Energy is needed and will be found for that last push.

So that leaves Master and I.

We are two people of middle age who enjoy each others company. When we are out together most people wouldn’t have any idea that the dynamic between us is any different from any other. Maybe people (if they notice) might wonder why I, as a woman of a certain age wear no bra. They probably won’t realise that i wear no knickers. Not that I particular worry about these things, given that I am so slutty. The time away in Spain will allow me to start to reintroduce dresses rather than the trousers and jeans that have been a feature during the winter.

Further, when Master hands me a ticket to pass through a barrier at the station, and I then hand it back to him, will go un noticed. But I am not permitted to carry such tickets (Ok, so the oyster card is different since otherwise we wouldn’t be able to travel around London).

When we are out for dinner, I rarely order food for myself and never wine.

The dynamic we have is now a natural one for us both. I am available for Him and He accesses my body when He wishes.  I am respectful and will generally be calling Him Master rather than Graeme.

But I do seek more, probably need more.

This time together will help us to determine what that looks and feels like for us both.

This is a break away from the world that we both need. Plus we will have some great times, of that I am sure.

I am taking my phone, camera and iPad. I plan to post a little, perhaps some photos and a word or two here or there. Maybe this will be a travel blog with a word or two of kink for a while. That might be fun too.

8 thoughts on “Thoughts”

  1. Well, have a lovely time together, of course your going to have your mother on your mind at times, but dont be guilt tripped, its not like you have left her to fend on your own!

    A travelling kink blog, yeah i set you a challenge, kinky photos in all the places you visit lol


  2. Sounds like a lovely holiday and the time together will hopefully bring you closer together in what you are both looking for. I like tori's idea of kinky holdiday snaps.

  3. Thanks guys, I accept the challenge and will see what I can do……
    Hs please don't worry, I know you have been busy – I have too. Be in touch soon xxx

  4. To most of the relationships you are talking about, Julie, I warn the girl to be careful and that "masters" are just like humans, they make mistakes. But you seem to have a good head on your shoulders and you seem to know what you are doing. So I would say: Go for it, girl have a wonderful holiday. Hold on to the positive feelings.

    To your mum I wish the best.
    Take care of yourself and those who love you,


  5. I am a bit late to comment, I've had my head lost in code over at the new blog. Just wanted to swing over here and catch up and say hello.

    Wishing your Mom a full and speedy recovery and I hope the vacation is/was wonderful!


  6. Thanks Han, mum is doing well and I do intend to go for it. The chance of two weeks away together is not to be turned down,

    Thanks blossom and brat for stopping by. So looking forward to this holiday. xx

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