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Sometimes inspiration comes out of the blue. I am really enjoying February Photofest, but I put myself in the mix and got involved (as is my way) without thinking things through. Planning some kink related photos for your blog for a week is pretty easy, especially when some have already been taken in the recent past. But continuing for 28 days is a challenge. The added challenge is that this is not a photo blog, it is about me and my submissive journey and about my relationship with my Master.

Today’s photo – my 17th – is one I took of myself in May last year when Master was away in the USA. It was taken on my camera, using the timer rather than using the mobile. I think this is something I need to think about for the remaining 11 days of this challenge.

hub sub in Phx commented on my last post and led me to his most recent entry about masturbation within relationships. My comment there was about my current relationship, but that has led me to think about what went before.

It was pretty usual for hubby and I to masturbate. But we never did so in front of each other.

When I look back I can see that things were pretty sad. I generally shied away from contact with him, sex was not fulfilling for either of us. He really never worked out what I needed and anyway I am not sure that was the point for him. While he wanted us both to enjoy sex, he wanted to cum and do it quickly, sex wasn’t about mutual enjoyment especially as he really didn’t know how to make me cum. This meant there was little in the way of foreplay and often the whole thing could last as long as an advert break on TV.

Since neither of us were satisfied, we both masturbated, just not with or near each other. I was rarely satisfied, no matter how often I made my self cum and I suspect it was the same for him.

Things are different in this relationship. I am sure Master masturbates when I am not there, though perhaps not really often (I am sure He will correct me if I am wrong),  I do not.  I don’t think I have anything to worry about even if He masturbated a lot, since our sex life is good.

Masturbation is allowed, but I should ask permission to cum (this can be done retrospectively) since my orgasms belong to Him not to me. But I really don’t feel the need.

I have learned the joy of mutual masturbation and of watching each other.

Each relationship is different but I am pretty sure, if you feel the need to masturbate frequently, without the other person present, when married or in a serious relationship (whether you actually do so or not), then something is wrong.

So to the photo – girl masturbating over a mirror for Her Master who was 6000 miles away at the time.

2 thoughts on “Masturbation”

  1. You know, it's funny that I should find this today, as I have been contemplating doing a post on masturbation myself. I have always been uncomfortable with mutual masturbation. I don't particularly find the act interesting to watch and I am not any sort of exhibitionist, so masturbating in front of someone makes me super uncomfy and I find it almost impossible to climax.

  2. Hi Simina, welcome. Mutual masturbation is a greater part of this relationship than any other. The dynamic of our relationship kind of requires it, but at the same time, the power dynamic also increases my arousal. If you had asked me a couple of years ago whether I would be comfortable with watching or being watched I would have said no. But each to his /her own.

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