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New blog, fresh start

This is the first post on a fresh new blog. There is lots to be done here yet before this girl has it as she wants, so please bear with her.

This blog, while it currently contains all the past blogs of this girl’s journey’s is meant to be a new start. Of course, since this is not the beginning of the journey, it is right that the history remains; at least for now.
For several months now, this girl has struggled to express herself freely. This was because she feared that another person could be hurt if she did so. To begin with it was because that person had found the place accidentally and then because this girl had helped that person by reminding her of where the blog could be found. It soon became clear that this was a big mistake. Over the coming weeks, this girl may be able to say more about that situation, or maybe since this is a fresh start, not.
The relationship this girl has with her Master is developing and deepening. This girl’s submission has shifted somewhat over the months. This girl is discovering what it means to be a slave to her Master. How it feels to have given up control completely when we are together and how even when we are apart his influence pervades all of her life. This girl has her own responsibilities to work and to her family, areas of her life where she doesn’t necessarily want or indeed need to consult or defer to Him. However still the words of our contract, the knowledge of how Master wishes her to behave, to be pervade all. Others have been speaking of their lives as slaves and how this affects them, this is something this girl intends to return to very soon. While this is not a 24/7 relationship, we are not living together and maybe never will, this girl takes her responsibilities very seriously as does her Master.
Equally we have been discussing symbols of ownership and what they should be. Wearing something visible will be a big step for this girl. She has plans to talk some of that through here. 
Over the coming days, this girl will be inviting those she knows were readers of the other blog to join her here. She hopes they will come along. While this girl writes in the main for herself and her Master, she values the thoughts and contributions of others. Indeed some of those who visit, are now considered as friends, perhaps this circle will grow.
Finally the name of the blog – well this is the name, Master has decided belongs to His girl. She is now His MPB. His pleasing bitch. Who knew a girl would be so proud of being called such a thing. But she truly is. Joolz was the name this girl gave herself at the start of her journey, but it is no longer relevant. To those who know her in real life she is Julie, for purposes of comments in future she will be Julie. To you who visit and read she can be Julie, or she can be MPB. It is up to you.

9 thoughts on “New blog, fresh start”

  1. Pingback: Jealousy - MPB

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