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Liebster Award

I have noticed a number of blogs over the last few weeks who have been given this award by others who visit them. It is great when those blog owners then award to blogs that I am not familiar with – it is a great way to find new places to visit. Of course i love to visit some of the more established blogs too, to gain an insight from those who have far more experience than me. Thanks to tori from Pain’s Pleasure who has nominated me and who falls into the second category. She has been around for a long time and experiences, good and bad to share. Like me she blogs about what is in her head, whether that is about slavehood or life in general.

  • Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  • Display the award on your blog– by including it in your post and / or displaying it using a “widget” or “gadget”.
  • Answer 11 questions about yourself which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
  • Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 5 to 11 blogs you feel deserve this award, who have less than 1000 followers. (Note that you can ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display the widget that lets readers know this information.
  • Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
  • List these rules on your post. Once you have written and published it, you then have to :
  • Inform people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it (they might not have heard of it!)
I am not going to actually follow the rules, since in truth rules are there to be broken. Of course, I am going to answer tori’s questions:

1)  How did you meet your significant other?

Sir and i met on the internet in a chatroom on We happened to live near each other and decided to meet for a drink as we got on well online. That was 3 months ago and so far so good.

2)  The best childhood memory? 
Family holidays with my parents and brothers. Great trips to France and to places in the UK. Trips to the homes of other wider family members and trips out with them. The downside was sitting between 2 fighting brothers in the car. But generally the experiences on those trips were good. Plus now I know that they provided some excellent memories to look back on.

3)  If you had to live somewhere other than you do now, where would it be? 
I would always choose somewhere near the sea. But for now where I am is fine. It is close to Sir and that is great after all of the travelling I did to visit S, even though he lived near the sea.

4)  Worst bad habit?
Not allowing people to finish what they are saying before I jump in. I am trying to be better at listening and trying to hold back in all areas of my life. It is a key behaviour change, part of my submission. 

5)  Favourite book?
I don’t have one favourite, but tend to find new books that are my favourite at the time. Most recently I would say was wild: a journey from lost to found by Cheryl Strayed. It is an autobiography of someone who walked the Pacific Crest Trail at a difficult time in her life. A voyage of discovery, a little different to my own, but one all the same.

6)  Any big ambitions that you have yet to achieve?
Just to travel to some new places and enjoy different experiences. Nothing huge, but important all the same.

7)  Name one guilty pleasure?
Probably wine. I do like a glass or 3 of sauvignon blanc…..

8)  Favourite film?
I am no film buff and until recently hadn’t been to the cinema much. I did enjoy Lincoln last year, and have also been enjoying some of the Coen brothers films. Otherwise it is films that provide memories: first film with my son – Jungle Book etc. Often I avoid seeing films based on books I have read; they can be so disappointing.

9)  If you could or wanted to change one thing about your partner, what would it be?
I wouldn’t change anything. I spent too much time trying to change my hubby and found that what I needed was to either change me or to get out. I am older and wiser now and I am just happy to go with his flow.

10) what would they want to change about you?
He is changing my behaviours in quite a few ways. They are ways in which I want to change, so no problem there. I am a calmer person now and perhaps that was one thing at the beginning he sought to change.

A few things about me:

  • There are few foods I don’t like, and will usually try most things. I hate peanut butter though
  • I love warm sunny places, but really can’t stand too much heat. Over 30c and I am heading for an air conditioned place to sit. Or perhaps the sea….
  • I managed to help my son develop a love of history by taking him to castles all over the south of England and in France as a child. He now has a degree in History.
  • I would love a garden full of flowers, but I get pretty bad hay fever which makes that difficult, plus I have never yet found the energy to actually create such a garden.
  • I have an uncorrected squint in my left eye, which makes depth perception difficult. I am rubbish at racket sports because of this and see double close up. Sometimes double vision is nice when you are looking at someone you care for!
  • I had a very difficult pregnancy with my son and was in hospital for weeks with pre eclampsia. It is the main reason I only have one child.
  • I don’t have lots of friends, perhaps I haven’t put enough effort in over the years. But I do have some very special friends, some of whom I have met through places like Fetlife. I would love to meet some of my blog friends.
  • I am still a registered nurse even though I haven’t nursed a patient for years. My favourite job as a nurse was when I cared for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Now a days I am happy in management. It is less demanding on the body.
  • I have another blog related to my work, though I haven’t updated it in a long time and feel more inclined to write about this side of my life right now than that.
  • I was the first person in my close family to get a degree, my son achieved a better classification than me though.

As I said, I am not going to stick to the rules. Most people on my blogroll have been given this award and have fulfilled this task if they wanted to. So I will leave it at that.

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