This girl is trying to prepare for the next month by coping better with her feelings. The highs lately have been very high, but then the lows are very very low.
It isn’t anything very serious that drags this girl down either. It seems to be very little things. Last night it was coming home from my book club to find the curtains and blinds sill open, hubby asleep on the sofa, the kitchen in a mess. This morning it was hubby having a late start. It can be Sir not responding to my texts. It is stupid things.
This week this girl has been trying to focus much more on parts of the day. Using lists to get her through, concentrating on tasks – at work, at home. After a rocky start and grumpiness with Sir on Monday, this girl has been concentrating and trying much harder. She has got lots done at work with another day to come tomorrow. She has hubby here tonight but feels positive. As Sir would say – Girl, it can be done.