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The sound of silence

When this girl thought of this topic she thought of this track. On YouTube she found this.

This is a beautiful version and the first of this song. Ok, so the words don’t quite fit what this girl wants to say, but this girl likes it and in a way it feels right.

This girl, in her normal state can speak quite a lot. She often needs to fill the spaces between dialogue. This may well irritate people, it would be correct to say that even this girl gets annoyed by the sound of her own voice.
Today this girl identified two distinct ways in which this verbal diarrhoea occurs: firstly when she has something very important to say and secondly when she is in a very anxious state. The trouble is, that sometimes even this girl can’t tell the difference.
Submission appears to bring this girl a new way of being. 
It is possible to be calm and relaxed, it is possible not to always need to speak. There is nothing wrong in needing to speak when there is something important to say. There is nothing wrong in sharing news etc. But there is no need to speak for the sake of it.
Luckily, Sir is someone who likes the sound of silence. He is content to just be, to live in the moment. 
This girl is finding that she likes that place too. She finds with This Man, This Sir that she can be a less talkative person and be happy with that. 
Lately it takes less time for this girl to get into the place where that can happen and both this girl and Sir are very happy with that.

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