Is to be in bed with my Sir, waking to a sunny morning, after the night before. This morning I woke alone, as I do often these days. If I were in bed with him now, at 6 am, I would hope to still be sleeping, to still need to be asleep. After all yesterday we would have had lots of sex. Perhaps my nipples would still be tender from the clamps, my bottom still tingling from the crop, my ass still a little sore from his cock, my clit still throbbing from the orgasms I had been permitted, my mouth still remembering his cock too.
I have taken to waking up far too early, I don’t really know why this is. There is something beautiful about a warm sunny morning; the crisp brightness, the smell, the cool feel, the sounds (of wood pigeons in this case). Summer has finally arrived here and for that I am grateful even though sleeping is difficult. Few people in this country would bother with air conditioning in their homes, since you only get a handful of hot days / night sometimes in a whole summer let alone consecutively. For the moment though we seem to be getting perhaps a week, who knows two. While I would rather sleep, being awake isn’t altogether un pleasant.
Yesterday, I got to take my lovely shiny new car out for a good run. My parents returned from holiday and I went to collect them from an airport about 30 miles away. Being a Saturday early evening, the roads were pretty clear, so I was able to put my foot down and test it out for speed and general driving pleasure. I am pleased to say it didn’t let me down. I enjoyed the music I have on my own iPhone, tried out the Sat Nav (and enjoyed making it recalculate several times as I travelled my own preferred route). That trip was part of the way to Sir’s, I would rather have been going there, but since he was out with his children, and my parents were arriving on a plane, I had no choice but to do that instead.
In the next few days hopefully, I will have the chance to kneel before Sir. I suck him, to be used by him. Who knows, if this weather holds, we might even get some out door fun. What I wouldn’t give for that right now!
Welcome Savannah, I hope you find my journey interesting. Look forward to hearing more about yours! xx
I just found your blog and I am reading from the beginning. I recently started a D/s relationship as the sub. Thank you for chronicling your journey.
Thanks Angel Blue, I am xx
Glad you're doing okay.