This week is the first anniversary of when i first met Sir in person. So, i have updated my journey page and changed the about me bit of my blog.
Next time i write about my progress it will be on a new page – for a new year.
A few months in, we discussed where our relationship was going. Sir was worried that i wanted to move from an unhappy marriage to life with Him. He was worried that i viewed him as my destination in some way. Perhaps at the time i did hold one or two romantic thoughts, but He was right. That is not where we were or are heading. From then on our relationship has gone from strength to strength.
Neither of us expected to reach that first anniversary, but we are glad we have. In Him i have found someone special both in terms of being my Master, but also as a friend and lover.
(Sir – when you read this please don’t get the idea i have gone mad or soft. i haven’t. It is just my way of expressing where we are right now).
Am i pleased we met, explored a D/s relationship, had great sex and everything else? What do you think?
Thanks xx
I am feeling quite cheerful about things yes! 🙂 xx
Happy Anniversary!! I think you may just be a wee bit pleased!
I smiled typing it Fondles xx
I smiled reading this Dear Joolz.