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Three Word Meme

Quite a few people have answered this today; so my turn!

1. Where is your cell phone? In my bag
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? it is complicated
3. Hair? Grey but dyed 
4. Your mother? Not the same
5. Your father? Living with Cancer
6. Your favorite item(s)? love my mac
7. Your dream last night? don’t  remember one
8. Your favorite drink? Gin and tonic
9. Your dream guy/girl? Sir of course
10. The room you are in? The living room
11. Your fear? my parents deaths
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy and fulfilled
13. Who did you hang out with last night? no one, alone
14. What are you not? quiet, introverted, slim
15. What’s outside your window? My dark garden
16. One of your wish list items? A new kitchen
17. What time is it? Quarter past eight
18. The last thing you did? cooked my dinner
19. What are you wearing? jeans and shirt
20. Your favorite book? i love loads
21. The last thing you ate? pasta with bacon
22. Your life? Not as expected
23. Your mood? Gin helps chilling
24. Your car? Old Renault Clio
25. What are you doing at this moment? Watching the Voice
26. Your summer? Hoping for one
27. Travel plans? France in June
28. What is on your TV screen? Its the Voice
29. Last time you cried? About a week
30. School? I love learning

5 thoughts on “Three Word Meme”

  1. Good answers, i have seen these accross a couple of blogs, i think its a good way of learning about our fellow bloggers, things i guess we wouldnt normally mention.


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