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A friend I admire

I have been thinking about this question quite a bit. You see I seem to have a bit of a problem in that I have very few people in my life who I could call friends. People in my life seem to become close for a while and then they kind of slip out of view. They are still around, still there for occasional meetings and for exchanging cards but that is about it. Having said that, of course there are people who are friends that I admire. There is my good school friend, who readily admits is rubbish at keeping in touch, but who when on the rare occasion we are able to speak or meet is just the same as she ever was. We are able to pick up our friendship and chat as if we were never apart. I admire her because of the way she bravely removed herself from an abusive relationship and then told people about it. That must have been so hard, both to endure and then to speak about it to others who were far away and didn’t know. I haven’t heard from her in a while and hope she is ok. Thinking about her now, I am going to pick up the phone and call her since she will never do the same to me, it is just her way.

Secondly I would like to mention someone new, who I have met just once, but whom I have lots in common with and who I know I am going to be really good friends with. I met her on Fetlife first, have emailed lots, texted, chatted by phone. We met for coffee and cakes a couple of weeks ago. She brought me a couple of books, one of which she had won and had had signed for me by the author. I mention her because I admire the way she has decided to embrace this lifestyle, to seek out new friends and lovers and to try new ideas. She is in her 60’s and hasn’t been in the best of health. She readily admits to ‘body image’ issues but still she embraces the idea of emerging from the safety of black clothing to rediscovering her feminine side. Her path is never smooth, but she faces life head on and I admire her for that. She has also been a great strength to me over the last difficult months. She will read this, and I am not sure what she will say. I hope she will see this for what it is, a statement of friendship.

6 thoughts on “A friend I admire”

  1. Thanks for your lovely words. I think you are right, and am so glad we have been able to be such a support to each other. I also feel fortunate to have found a friend in you!

  2. I agree Julia and I have never been massively good at keeping mine. But I am not sure that matters so long as you have one or 2 people out there who you can rely on and who can rely on you xx

  3. I think we were destined to meet somehow. There is so much we have in common, some I have learned about you from reading your blogs which I haven't even mentioned to you, as well as that from us sharing so much through messages and emails before we met.
    When we finally did meet for the first time, we were just so easy with each other straight away, so natural. You are a special woman, very special. You have been and are still going through such a tremendous amount of turmoil in your life and yet you still have supported me through various dramas!
    You are a beautiful, confident, sexy woman. I admire you tremendously, and I count myself very fortunate to have found a friend in you!

  4. You know, I think once you are an adult, it is just harder to make friends and to keep them. The friendships are just so different from when you were in high school. At least that is it for me.
    Like you, I have friends, of course, but any friends I made after moving to America are still just friends for the occasional coffee, no best friend or anything. Now my friends from high school, I may not hear much, but when I do, its like the last 8 years didn't happen.

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