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Simple pleasures – with a hint of kink

One of the most satisfying things you can do for your man is to prepare and serve him a meal. Although we have been seeing each other for 6 months and have done many things together, until this week i had never done this. He is usually the one to cook for me because i am the one who often travels to see him, also i do all the cooking at home and He likes to make a point that being with Him is different. On Thursday though, i was able to arrive at his house quite a time before he was arriving home from work and so i offered to cook him dinner.

Traffic was pretty good that evening, so i arrived in pretty good time and headed to the local supermarket for supplies. Then with the lasagna prepared (chosen because it could be prepared in advance and popped into the oven while we got reacquainted) i went upstairs to get myself ready. New seamed stockings – no ladders, heels, some very naughty crotchless panties and my new purchase a cupless bra (not sure if you call it that). I am fascinated to know why it is, that the price of an item of clothing is inversely proportional to the amount of fabric contained within it. However it enabled me to show off my ample bosom nicely. i think he agreed, because he couldn’t stop sucking my nipples and touching my tits when he arrived home.

With dinner in the oven, we played out a scene that we had planned – He had arrived to fix a leaking pipe in my bathroom, i was a housewife whose dressing gown did nothing to hide her slutty nature. i perched on the bath, legs open, revealing my pussy to Him. The pipe was already leaking less than me as i became increasingly wet, much to his pleasure when he ran his hand up my stockings and felt my newly shaved pussy. It had only been a week since he had last touched me there, but it already felt like an age. I melted to his touch and my knees wobbled under the strain of those high heels. In no time at all, i was on all fours on the bed. As he pushed his cock into my arse, there was a remote controlled egg buzzing away inside my cunt and attached to my clit was a clamp. i almost came with the overload of sensations alone! We always get off to a quick start when we are together but this pretty much beat the lot!

So, after a very brief rest, we ate dinner, He was suitably complimentary, and watched some TV. It was great to be together, to enjoy the simple pleasures that people enjoy when they are together more of the time. Back up in bed after dinner, things were less intense, more intimate. We were both tired after our day at work and we had a pretty early night because of that. What is more i had to get up and leave early yesterday morning to get to the place i was going with work. We were together for less than 12 hours, but i can tell you it was worth every second of it. I still have a smile on my face!

The girl above is obviously not me, she is too thin and her hair too red, though i once had hair that was quite red. The bra is similar to this in its colour, and the effect on her boobs is similar. Maybe i’ll get Him to take a real picture for me next time!

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