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Internet searches

i am sure that many of my fellow bloggers have such busy and varied lives that they have no need to bother with their blog stats. i on the other hand am interested to see what activity there is. This is despite my assertion that i writing this purely for myself. This doesn’t  mean i am lying, since the blog is mainly there for me to record what is happening to me so i can look back and monitor what has happened, when and where.

But i would definitely be telling porkies if i said i didn’t look at my stats at least once a day if online. I am not the least bit worried about  how many people pop by; i just like to know. To begin with i was intrigued that most visitors seemed to come from odd websites about home insurance or employment (maybe someone can tell me how this happens).

For the first time today though i have noticed some interesting search terms used to visit my blog. For example: kneeling for anal sex (in my experience, not only should you kneel, but perhaps bend over on all fours), suspender belt, stockings and skirt (yes i wore those today), butt plug skirt (not sure if this is linked to the previous one, but the two things could be worn at the same time, though not compulsory), sex and submission (yes this is the place for that as i do both).

So while i don’t write the most popular, busiest blog on the planet, which is fine as i am mainly here for myself and for Sir, i do appear to be providing a service. This can only be a good thing!

2 thoughts on “Internet searches”

  1. I havent looked at my stats for so long, but you have me curious now so im going to take a peek lol

    I think the best part of blogging is about being able to chart the ups and downs, i look back at my really old posts and i seem a completley different person and i realise how far i have come.


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