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Quick update

i had a lovely weekend in Barcelona, with good company and some long awaited sun! i have returned with some rare sunburn, i am usually so careful and i really don’t know how i managed to let it happen. Lets just say that it was a very windy day, i went in the sea after lunch and didn’t reapply the cream in enough time. Hopefully by the time i see Sir next week i will be a slightly browner shade of red!

Other than the one day on the beach, we did the tourist thing – at last i got to see the inside of Gaudi’s great Sagrada Famillia and i wasn’t disappointed. i really love Barcelona for its mix of arty culture, good food, drink and the beach. The only thing that made it difficult was my continuing anxiety about my current relationship with hubby versus a desire to be with Sir.

The relationship i have with hubby is fine enough, but if i say that he didn’t seem bothered that we had been given a twin room rather than a double you might get the sense of where we are right now. Our lack of physical contact goes un noticed however and my brother, who we were with assumes that we are fine and we will go on forever. The fact that no one sees what i feel as a general sense of unhappiness is in one way a good thing, but in another feels like a lack of awareness of the needs of others – in essence me.

i have chatted online to Sir. i don’t know if he has read the blog but if he has it hasn’t done anything to ruin things between us. i will broach the subject with him, maybe tonight. A week tomorrow we should be getting to spend at least one whole night together and maybe more. Hubby is going on a bachelor weekend trip and i get something of a breather. i think i will need it.

Not much from me in the last week, but i intend to write lots over the weekend, when time is on my side.

1 thought on “Quick update”

  1. I know what desire feels like. I can go for days feeling fine but when there's something that I need to get off my chest or we have unresolved issues then I go practically insane with desire to connect with BIKSS.

    Hope you get that break and breather you need.

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