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The morning after

The day before (Just realised i am very unadventurous about my titles). It is not often i  wake up and wish it were yesterday, but at 5.30 this morning i woke briefly and wished just that. Now too, in the quite cool and cloudy light of day i would love to be on the M25 (as i was at this time yesterday) on the the way to see Master.

Our day together yesterday was pretty wonderful, it was also a long day – i was with him from around 9.30am till just before 7pm and boy did we pack the day with good things. Do i ache as a concequence today? Yes! Does that kind of day make me yearn for more? Yes!.

After days and days where it has seemingly rained each and every day, at last yesterday morning was one of bright sunshine and blue skies. It was cool as i drove down to the coast, but the lovely day put a spring in my step (if you can say that when driving a car). Master had the coffee waiting and we went outside in his little back yard, a sun trap if ever there was one, to enjoy it. No sooner had i got myself comfortable though that master had my legs spread, revealing my newly shaved, pantyless pussy. From that first wonderful orgasm in the garden the day was full and full on.

It was also a day of firsts – the first time i have had sex involving penetration in the great british countryside, the first time i have been made to wear a collar, the first time i have been completely tied to a bed. When i think back, no wonder i ache.

We also spent time chatting. We discussed all kinds of topics and once again were able to be open and honest on a range of things. The honesty in this kind of relationship is one of the most refreshing things. We took a lovely walk along the seafront later in the afternoon and since the little museum there was open we went inside and spent half an hour looking at all of the local history contained within. I am really pleased that we share an interest in history as well as in so many other things.

The only downside for me was that there was definitely something wrong with my bowels and i was unable to enjoy anal sex with master in the way i had last time. It was also much harder, because of this to completely relax at other times for fear that something was about to happen there. Master was great about things though and by the end of the day i really did let  myself go and have a fantastic series of orgasms.

It is going to take me a few days to analyse the day, but once i do i will have more to say here. What i can say though is that while joolz aches this morning, she sure is pretty happy with the world!

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